​Askhat ZHITKEEV : "The purpose of regional seminars - training"

12:53 | 03 december 2014

- What wereyour main goals, conducting regional seminars for trainers?

- The purpose of regional seminars - training, familiarization with the theoretical developments, new methods of training sessions and the latest changes in the rules of the competition. In addition to the regional seminars, this year we have conducted master classes for young athletes in all regions of Kazakhstan.

- Tell us who, apart you, were a member of the working group?

- The group of experts included: Professor, Honored coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of the scientific and methodological support of the NGO "Judo Federation" - Mikhail Shepetyuk Nikolaevich; Honored Master of Sports, 7th Dan, Olympic bronze medalist, sports director of the European Judo Union, coaching consultant men's national team - Jatskevitch Alexandr Vladimirovich and Olympic bronze medalist, coach of the men's national team of Kazakhstan - Smagulov Aydin Kudaybergenovich.

- The seminars were held for several days. Can you tell us about the program of the event?

- Practical classes were led by Jatskevitch A. and Smagulov A., they demonstrated methods of teaching technical and tactical actions, methods of formation of individual technical and tactical skills of judo. Also discussed issues such as: the impact of changes in the rules of the competition on the content of training sessions and individual skills of athletes; the use of integrated control for the correction of an athlete's training program and team; interaction coaches of the national team with coaches from regions.

Also conducted round tables, where the organizers and participants exchanged views on various issues: education and training; participation in competitions; questions of psychological spirit; using recovery tools; choice of techniques for different ages; selection of exercises, assignments, their dosage and intensity.

At master classes young wrestlers met with a diverse arsenal of special exercises, outdoor games with elements of martial arts, with various embodiments of devices of the stand and the parterre.

After the seminar, all participants received didactical materials in printable and electronic form.

How many people participated in these events?

- This year in the seminars of 736 coaches throughout Kazakhstan attended by more than 350 training sessions with young judokas we have covered about 650 athletes.

-Are you planning anything similar next year?

-Next year we are planning to spend 2-3 Republican seminars, exact dates to be announced later.

At the end of the conversation I want to express my gratitude to all regions for their support in organizing seminars, as well as the working group for their work.

Thanks for the interview!


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